
Post Mortem Dump, Core Dump Analysis

What is Post-Mortem/Core dump?
When a program crashes while in execution especially a C program running on LINUX/RTOS/UNIX it usually creates a post-mortem dump. In LINUX this crash/post-mortem dump is called CORE dump.
Core Dump is nothing but the dump of main memory while process execution.
Core dump main content used while in analysis are:

Reversing string using recursion: C program

Though there are several ways available in "C" to reverse string; One presented below is using recursion.

C program to know "Endianess" of target (Underlying processor)

A C programmer often encounter to a situation where it is impetative to know the underlying processor type;
How processor treat with data while storing in memory in "Little Endian" format or in "Big Endian" format?

Interacting with memory locations directly using C pointer

The real power of  “C” comes from the fact the one can directly access memory location( Port, registers of peripheral etc.) using pointer. Below is the example to perform this operation:

Stepwise explanation of a “C” Program compilation till execution

C Program Compilation process involving Assembler, Linker, Loader; Pic is taken from www

Role of Compiler:  Preprocessing and translation of "middle level language C" into assembly language of respective target.

Difference among PCM-30C, PCM, PCM31, Unframed modulation methods

What is modulation?
Pulse-code modulation (PCM) is a method used to digitally represent sampled analog signals.
In a PCM stream, the amplitude of the analog signal is sampled regularly at uniform intervals, and each sample is quantized to the nearest value within a range of digital steps.