
UBUNTU: Command axi-cache to list depenedencies of packages

AXI-CACHE(1)                                               User Commands                                              AXI-CACHE(1)

       axi-cache - query the Apt Xapian Index

       axi-cache [options] command [args]

       Query the Apt Xapian index.

              search commands:

       axi-cache again [query]
              repeat the last search, possibly adding query terms

       axi-cache help
              show a summary of commands

       axi-cache info
              print information about the apt-xapian-index environment

       axi-cache last [count]
              show the last results again

       axi-cache more [count]
              show more terms from the last search

       axi-cache rdetails pkgname[s]
              show details of reverse relationships for the given packages

       axi-cache search [terms]
              start a new search

              apt-cache front-ends:

       axi-cache depends pkgname[s]
              run apt-cache depends pkgname[s]

       axi-cache madison pkgname[s]
              run apt-cache madison pkgname[s]

       axi-cache policy pkgname[s]
              run apt-cache policy pkgname[s]

       axi-cache rdepends pkgname[s]
              run apt-cache rdepends pkgname[s]

       axi-cache show pkgname[s]
              run apt-cache show pkgname[s]

       axi-cache showpkg pkgname[s]
              run apt-cache showpkg pkgname[s]

              show program's version number and exit

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -s SORT, --sort=SORT
              sort by the given value, as listed in /var/lib/apt-xapian-index/values. Add a '-' to reverse sort order

       --tags show matching tags, rather than packages

              suggest words for tab completion of the current command line (type is 'plain' or 'partial')

       --last use 'show --last' to limit tab completion to only the packages from the last search results

       --all  disable  pagination  and  always show all results. Note that search results are normally sorted by relevance, so you
              may find meaningless results at the end of the output

axi-cache 0.44                                            September 2013                                              AXI-CACHE(1)
 Manual page axi-cache(1) line 28/83 (END) (press h for help or q to quit)


vikram@vikram-Veriton-Series:~$ axi-cache depends vimvim
  Depends: vim-common
  Depends: vim-runtime
  Depends: libacl1
  Depends: libc6
  Depends: libgpm2
  Depends: libpython2.7
  Depends: libselinux1
  Depends: libtinfo5
  Suggests: <ctags>
  Suggests: vim-doc
  Suggests: vim-scripts

Another example to list dependencies:
vikram@vikram-Veriton-Series:~$ axi-cache depends qt-sdk
  Depends: build-essential
  Depends: cmake
  Depends: gdb
  Depends: git-core
  Depends: libqt4-dev
  Depends: libqt4-opengl-dev
  Depends: libphonon-dev
  Depends: qt4-designer
  Depends: qt4-dev-tools
  Depends: qt4-doc
  Depends: qt4-doc-html
  Depends: qt4-qmake
  Depends: qtcreator
  Depends: qtcreator-doc
  Depends: subversion
  Depends: libqtwebkit-dev
  Suggests: libqt4-dbg
  Suggests: libqt4-webkit-dbg
  Suggests: libqt4-xmlpatterns-dbg

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